Your (Business) Name

Add a short and snappy tagline here.

Hi, I’m Autumn! This is where I tell you in a few words how I help you solve your problem.

Add a client testimonial here that helps your potential clients see themselves and also see the results others are getting from working with you. Make it three or four lines long, we don’t add a photo here to not make it too cluttered.
— First Name, Location
(Here we list OUTCOMES. Think about how what you do improves someone’s life or business? What do they GET when they work with you or buy from you? What is the benefit to them? Here are some examples from a relationship therapist. Delete this paragraph once you’ve done this section.)

 Would you like to ...

  • Rebuild your confidence?

  • Understand the feelings you are experiencing?

  • Understand why the relationship fell apart?

  • Reduce your pain and feelings of devastation?

  • Learn to be true to yourself and to trust again?

  • Discover a new joy of life and keep it with you?

  • Prepare for a new and successful relationship?



You don’t have to wait.

Add a punchy tagline above and then write a three-line paragraph here that summarizes the problem or paint points your clients are experiencing. This could be a question, it could be a statement that positions you as an expert in your field. List three Call-To-Action points below.

  • Work With Me

    This CTA links to another important page on your website: your services page. This is where you address your clients’ pain points and share what services you offer. Keep your description the same height as the others to the right.

  • About Autumn

    The about page is one of the most important pages on your website as it gives your potentional clients a place where they can get to know you and build a connection. Linking to it from the homepage is always a good idea.

  • Free Consultation

    Be mindful to keep all three descriptions the same height, this may require some tweaking of the text. If you offer consultation you can use the built-in scheduling feature to set up an appointment type and link to that here.


  Kind Words From My Clients

 (Even if you don’t have a newsletter yet you might want to start collecting email addresses now and build a warm audience for later. The footer is a good place for this.)

(If you don’t want to do that yet simply delete this section.)